Play music with your kids

As a parent, I can tell you, if you are a musician or a singer, there's simply no bigger joy than seeing your child be a better singer or musician than you. If they have the music in themselves, as much as you do, how do you nurture it? Identifying their inclination to music is one thing, and moulding them to become a musician is another. There is no right age to start them. Its never too young to start music. The research have shown that music registers to kids' developing brain when they are in mother's wombs. (hence doctors advise, be careful about the music you're playing around a pregnant lady).
How young do you want start them? Here's one of my most favourite guitarist, Warren Mendonsa, aka Blackstratblues, starting his daughter Nia, who's merely few months old. You may possess so, but I don't have the ability to stop watching this beautiful clip. Not only his daughter listens to marvellous guitar playing with so much patience, she even smiles at places! I can't stop thinking how she is growing surrounded by music, instruments and musicians! Compare that to the first time I touched a guitar was at the age of 17. God bless the super-dad Warren!
Earlier I shared a few more similar clips on my Instagram channel too. Here's the famous little kid singing Don't let me down on the top of his voice, with his dad playing the guitar and him strumming a mini guitar. This one has been breaking the internet ever since it surfaced.
Few months ago too, this video of 4yr old Claire Ryann appeared on YouTube, singing while her dad playing amazing acoustic guitar and singing. Bless the dad!
Many of us think the Indian classical music and ragas take a lifetime to master. Or even identify. Hold your breath and be amazed. Here's 20months old Aniruddha identifying all Carnatic ragas correctly. The ragas are sung by his mother. While he seems engrossed in a jigsaw puzzle, but his ears are as sharp as ever, identifying the ragas.
Today, Warren again posted a second video on the series, (Should I call it Noodling with Nia), and once again, I cannot get enough of it. I am waiting for a day when she joins Warren on playing the bassline. As such she is already grabbing the bass strings, while biting the guitar!
I cannot stress enough the importance of music in kids' lives. Its one thing that bonds parents with kids, and stays with them for a lifetime. Just one bit of caution though, its not necessary if the parents are into certain kind of music, or even one particular instrument, the kid may pick up interest in completely diff instrument or even in singing. So their individual interest needs to be identified and nurtured.
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